Sully's @ The Old Cheese Factory, Reidsdale


0407 292 181

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Our Cider

Sullys Cider

  • Made with either a single variety or a blend of genuine cider apples, using traditional techniques.
  • Unique styles and flavours that change from season to season, batch to batch.
  • Sometimes chewy and tannic, sometimes smooth and woody, sometimes sweet and fruity, sometimes mouth puckeringly dry.
  • Never ordinary!

pressing room

"Explore everything keep the best"

John Evelyn 1620-1706
Diarist and cider advocate

Our Apples

Cider apples

  • Through selection, our forebears have shaped, our genetic inheritance. An apple variety is as much an invention of human ingenuity and toil as any building or a tome of knowledge. We grow genuine cider varieties. They have been selected over centuries to make quality cider.
  • The Braidwood district has many remnant orchards, some nearly 200 years old. Each has a wealth of vulnerable apple varieties. By locating, propagating, identifying, conserving, distributing, celebrating and telling the stories of these apple varieties in our community, we hope to keep them around for future generations.
  • Saving a single variety particular to our locality could successively be instrumental in preserving local songs, recipes, festive gatherings, the appearance of the landscape, and the wisdom of growing and caring for the trees. They are the building blocks of our cultural resilience.




comfort me with apples

Video: Traditional Cider Making (Michael Cavanagh)

The Old Cheese Factory Reidsdale


Bush Fires, Covid 19 and changing circumstances means our cellar door at the Old Cheese Factory is now only open by appointment.

Where to buy our products.

Braidwood Bottle Shop
sells a range of our cider.

IGA Braidwood
Rhubarb & Ginger Beer.

Visitor Information Centre

Has a range of preserves.

You will find us at Braidwood Farmers' Market at the National theatre with a full range of produce.

Bar Rochford
First Floor
65 London Circiut



Rhubarb & Ginger

Cider Vinegar

© Sully Consultants Pty Ltd
The Old Cheese Factory, 92 Sawyers Ridge Road, Reidsdale, NSW 2622.
