Sully's Cider
At Sully’s cider we produce a range of varietal and blended ciders, crafted seasonally from apples varieties that have been selected over hundreds of years for their cider making characteristics. Each variety imparting uniqueness into the finished cider. Our methods too are steeped in tradition having changed little for over 400 years. The cider apples are washed, milled and pressed, the resultant juice fermented and conditioned in oak casks. Each cask is alive with its own flora that renders the cider with its own flavour profile. As we use 100% juice, our cider is full flavoured and strong. Usually topping out at between 6% and 9% ABV, depending on the season and the apple varieties used.
Our ciders are either bottled still, carbonated in the bottle or carbonated in the bottle and disgorged (Methode Traditionnelle).


